Grace goes before you

Grace goes before you began in July of 2017, and exists for the purpose of unifying believers while glorifying God. Social media and life in general can tend to be incredibly discouraging. So, the initial goal was to create a safe place to go for encouragement, prayer, scriptures, quotes, photos & videos. 

The song, "Grace goes before you" has been developing over a life time. Since I was a little girl, I have been playing the accompaniment every single time I sit at a piano. The chord progression was always simple to modify during countless sweet times of worship to my Lord & Savior through the many joys & sorrow of this life's journey. It helped me through many years of maturation, my parents' separation, a ton of time pursuing relationships I shouldn't have invested myself in, the process of becoming a nurse, the passing of some of the most influential people in my life, struggles with infertility, deep hurt by some we hold closely, the process of adoption, and several seasons of anxiety/loss of hope. The lyrics & melody have been created through much prayer, over varying seasons of life. 

Beauty absolutely comes from brokenness, there will be a time to triumph and rejoice. His mercies are made new each and every morning. Much hope is to be found through Christ alone. Jesus will never leave or forsake you. Call unto Him when you are weary. I pray that this song would glorify God mightily and be a blessing to those who listen. A song of encouragement through the many difficult trials and circumstances that we may face. Always know that Jesus is faithful. That His overwhelming, marvelous Grace goes before you.



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Grace goes before you
Spoken Word
What if - all illnesses were
actually a deeper perception 
of being unable to process
the world that surrounds us?
Getting lost in the motions
Encapsulated by commotion
Drowning in these emotions:
loneliness, depression confusion

The chaos engulfs us
fear tries to devour us
Satan attempts to utilize devices 
that Jesus has already conquered
The battles been won
by the Savior who's risen
Only Love, only Grace, only Mercy

Verse 1
Take up the whole armor of God
the word says
for his schemes are severe
Do not lose hope
For Jesus intercedes for us
Oh His heart, how it beats for us
For Christ, He is Risen
For Christ is Alive
Praise Jesus, for Redemption

Grace goes before you
His word it equips you
Turn to our Lord
& surrender it all
Bow down before Him
Grace goes before you
The Son has Risen
He's Rescued, Revived

Verse 2
Stand your ground
Dress daily with the belt of truth
God's righteousness in your armor
The Gospel of peace, covering your feet
difficult circumstances faced
but we have the Gospel of Grace

Romans 8:26-30
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. 
For we do not know what to pray for 
as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes 
for us with groanings too deep for words. 
And he who searches hearts knows that is the
mind of the Spirit because the Spirit 
intercedes for the saints according to the 
will of God. And we know that for those who 
love God all things work together for good, for
those who are called according to his purpose.
For those whom he foreknew he also 
predestined to be conformed to the image of 
his Son, in order that he might be the 
firstborn among many brothers.
And those he predestined he also called, 
and those whom he called he also justified,
and those whom he justified he also glorified.

In this world sin intensifies
Oh it's pain, how it multiplies
In the midst, you don't realize
Repent, turn around
All the more, grace abounds
Through righteousness, Grace reigns
Eternal life, it is found
Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Romans 5:20b-21
"but where sin increased, grace abounded 
all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, 
grace also might reign through
 righteousness leading to eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Grace goes before you
His word it equips you
Turn to our Lord
& surrender it all
Bow down before Him
Grace goes before you
The Son has Risen
He's Rescued, Revived


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