A ♡ for His Precious Little Ones

Cherishing Life 

Our family has certainly been given a passion for the sanctity of Life -  it’s a gift, to be cherished. Our life experiences have certainly strengthened this viewpoint. We have been blessed with 11 nieces and nephews - whom we love and miss immensely! Over the years, we have had the wonderful privilege of caring for them at various times while their parents worked or had a much needed night out. We’ve made it a family tradition to read about Jesus’ birth at Christmas as well as His resurrection at Easter. These are some of our favorite memories with them - instilling the magnitude of the great depth of Christ’s love for us..

We volunteered as a host family for Safe Families for about a year before we adopted our daughter. During this time, we hosted sets of 2 children, 3 times, for a total of about 9.5 weeks. Safe families is a voluntary ministry for parents who may be facing a time of crisis such as homelessness, unemployment, or hospitalization. Often, children are placed unnecessarily in the foster care system. We have seen Safe Families used as a beautiful buffer inducing massive life change. It is an absolutely incredible ministry to serve through. 

In a previous blog post, Sunshine State of Mind, we talked briefly about Hilary’s nursing position with Heartbeat International, specifically working for Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). During this season, the APR hotline has received a record number of calls. Having the chance to educate, comfort, and pray with the women who call in has been a unique opportunity indeed. It can be absolutely heart wrenching, yet brings much hope in the Lord. Women from across the globe often contact us saying that they were pressured into taking the pill, or never even wanted to in the first place. The rush then begins to gather all of the pertinent information and begin the process of finding a provider able to assist.

Download Precious Little Ones :)

The third song in a melancholy series of minor keys and chords... the words were scribbled down in the midst of a minimally sleepless night in August of 2018. Just three months after Zoey was born, Hilary experienced her very first emergency surgery and these words laid  heavy on her heart. The melody was created in June of 2019, just two weeks after our big move to Florida. The way that the Lord brings about lyrics, melody, and accompaniment is unique for each and every song. Various seasons of life come and go while words sit lifeless on a page for months or years at a time. 

Praying that this song becomes a powerful anthem, advocating for the Precious Little Ones, who are unable to advocate for themselves... especially during this time when home may not be the safest place for babies, children, or adults. May the Grace and mercy of the Lord go before the vulnerable, protecting them, saving them miraculously from what may ail them. May we be a generation that stands in the gap for the voiceless of all ages. Adoption, Safe Families, Visiting Angels, Heartbeat International, Pregnancy Centers, Foster Care... the ministries and organizations are endless. Be activated by the power of the Holy Spirit that is within you. Be not afraid to put your life on the line in the name of the Lord, for those who need. Cherish each and every Life...


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