2021 ♥ Magnify the One


It was a chilly, rainy Saturday in May, 

the morning we received the call. 

The call that would forever change our lives.

We were just returning from what would be our 

last adventure as a family of two.

After many doctor visits with Zoey’s 

birth mother and two false alarms...

The time was here! It was time for our 

precious Zoey girl to be born!

In celebration of two years of Zoey’s life,

 in 2020, Hilary recorded a song.

This is a lullaby that has been sung over 

her since we knew she was “here to stay.” 

Melodic Zoey 

With Zoey’s third birthday just a few months 

around the corner, the creativity in Hilary’s

brain began spinning. She thought, 

“Maybe this year, I’ll write a book.” 

It seemed like an intimidating process, 

but the words flowed freely, and an app to 

cartoonize photos seemed simple enough. 

In just a few days, the outline was complete.

That’s when the search for publishing again. 

Hello, information overload!!!

 There are countless companies and agencies 

that you can hire to publish pages to print. 

After a few weeks of research, 

she again came across self-publishing 

through Amazon KDP...

Just a few days later, the book was published 

& ready to be sent to the press!

Cherishing Life

A Story about the Big Love of Jesus

Magnified by a Tiny, Precious Heart

“Cherishing Life” is a short story about the great magnitude of Christ’s Love for His precious little ones. A story of the beauty of His perfect love for those He has adopted and calls His own. A light hearted proclamation of the Joy there is to be found in Jesus. Life will bring trials and triumphs, and in the midst of it all, Jesus remains on the throne. Oh, the freedom that is found when we surrender it all and run fervently & swiftly to God.

“Thank you for being His Gospel on display

His Grace goes before you each & everyday 

He is faithful, steadfast, trusted, & true 

His love fills hearts with passion & zeal anew.”

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, 
but to your name give glory 
for the sake of your steadfast 
love and your faithfulness!
Psalm 115:1

Our word for the year: 


May the Lord be magnified mightily 

in our home, hearts, & everyday lives.

May His Love & Grace abound.

May the great mercy & light of Jesus

radiate brilliantly through our family.

Magnify the Lord

This song came together in one weekend. 

The lyrics and orchestration poured out 

like a wild fire in the very depths of my soul. 

I am immensely grateful for the privilege of 

worshipping Jesus whole-heartedly in our home, 

in our church, and through our everyday lives! 

May the Lord be eternally Magnified!


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