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2021 ♥ Magnify the One

  It was a chilly, rainy Saturday in May,  the morning we received the call.  The call that would forever change our lives. We were just returning from what would be our  last adventure as a family of two. After many doctor visits with Zoey’s  birth mother and two false alarms... The time was here! It was time for our  precious Zoey girl to be born ! In celebration of two years of Zoey’s life,  in 2020, Hilary recorded a song. This is a lullaby that has been sung over  her since we knew she was “here to stay.”  Melodic Zoey   With Zoey’s third birthday just a few months  around the corner, the creativity in Hilary’s brain began spinning. She thought,  “Maybe this year, I’ll write a book.”  It seemed  like an intimidating process,  but the words flowed freely, and an app to  cartoonize  photos seemed simple enough.  In just a few days, the outline was complete. That’s  when the search for publishing again.  Hello, information overload!!!  There are  countless companies and agencies  th

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